Do you have day flying moths in your yard?

jhimmel at jhimmel at
Sat Aug 28 11:12:21 EDT 1999

CT Lepsters - I need to photograph species of day-flying moths for a project I'm 
working on.  If you have any in your yard, I would greatly appreciate hearing 
from you.  I would either stop by to photograph them if they are sticking 
around, or catch them to photograph them at home under controlled conditions (in 
the house where they can't disappear).  Either way, they will go free when I'm 
done.  My phone number is (860)663-3225.  If you are a distance from 
Killingworth, I might ask that you catch it and hold on to it until I get there. 

Some examples of species I'm looking for are: 

Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) - the one that looks like a bumblebee
Slender Clearwing (Hemaris gracilis) - another bee-like moth, but much rarer
Nessus Sphinx (Amphion floridensis) - similar to above, but larger, with solid  
New England Buck Moth (Hemileuca lucina) - an early fall flyer
Eight-spotted Forester (Alpia octomaculata) - haven't seen one in 2 years
Yellow-collared Scape Moth (Cysseps fulvicollis)
Grapevine Epimenis - not on the wing now, but if you see one next spring..

Any of the Sesiidae(Clear-winged Moths), except the Maple Callus Borer, which I 
have and I believe flies at night, anyway.  Most in this group resemble wasps, 
have clear wings, and can be seen visiting flowers during the day.

I already have shots of Hummingbird Moth, Clymene, the Cycnias, and Virginia 

On another note - Have any of you been noticing hoards of Spicebush Swallowtails 
this year?

John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at

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