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Hank Golet gzgolet at
Fri Oct 1 20:05:32 EDT 2004

10/1/04   Ocola Skipper in my yard today, found by Ted Hendrickson, nectaring on Verbena,,,, which as far as I am concerned is the best all round butterfly plant that there is.  I thought that Zinnias were #1 for a long time,,,until I started looking for butterflies at Scott's Farm stand in Essex, where there is a large cut flower section, and always found  more species on their verbena than any of  their other flowers, including a large zinnia patch.  I planted a nice bed of verbena this spring and it has been productive all summer. It's a great plant and flowers all summer with little or no care.......Also on the verbena this afternoon when we looked, were a monarch,3 american ladies and a cab white.....Yesterday on Great Island, while doing Osprey nest pole maintenance, I saw a Mourning Cloak fly-by.
Hank Golet  
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