
ButterflyPR at comcast.net ButterflyPR at comcast.net
Tue Sep 13 08:30:14 EDT 2005

Stopped by Hammonasset on Sunday.  Saw several Ladies--the ones that stayed still were Painted--several clearwing moths, one Black Swallowtail, a Cabbage White, a few Monarchs.  Also several Clouded Sulphurs near the West Beach.

Tagged 4 monarchs.  Saw one with a big piece out of its right forewing that already had a tag, but didn't get close enough to read the tag.

Last week, on 9/7/05, I went late in the day & tagged 1, saw 1 missing a good chunk of wing, but wearing tag GEP 349.  Did anyone tag it at Hammo?  If not, I'll post it to dplex-l.


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