All tagged out

RChyinski at RChyinski at
Sun Sep 25 12:51:22 EDT 2005

Used the last of the Monarch tags at Hammo this morning. Tagging was slow  at 
the Butterfly Garden as the Monarchs seem to prefer nectaring on the Grounsel 
 (?) in the area of Willards Island parking area. Plenty of Monarchs there  
and easy netting, one sweep of the net could get 5 Monarchs. 
If anyone has Monarch tags they will not use let me know and I would be  
happy to put them to use.
Butterflies seen in Lyme, Old Lyme on Friday.
Black Swallowtail, Cabbage White, Orange and Clouded Sulphur, Pearl  
Crescent, American Copper, Painted and American Lady, Wild Indigo Duskywing, and  In 
Salem Great Spangled Frit.
Rich Chyinski
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