Butterfly Sightings

Epmanshell at aol.com Epmanshell at aol.com
Sat Jul 22 14:46:47 EDT 2006

Saturday, July 22-
I was visiting Chaffinch Is. Park in Guilford today.  
There was a half hour or so of sunny weather, with a burst of  butterfly 
activity, when I was able to find 2 Hackberry Emperors and an American  Snout.  
Unfortunately, the clouds came back in and that was it for  butterflies at the 
On the way home, I stopped at Van Wilgens Nursery in North Branford where I  
found a male Fiery Skipper on the Buddleias, my first of the year and an  
early date for the species.  It probably came up north along with the  tropical 
storm  that passed through earlier this week.  
So far this year, while it is only July 22, there have already been a  total 
of four southern immigrant species reported from the state for the year,  
American Snout, Variegated Fritillary, Common Buckeye and now Fiery  Skipper.  
That suggests 2006 will be a good year to look for southern  immigrants near the 
Lenny Brown
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