
Roy Zartarian rzartarian at
Tue Oct 10 09:21:56 EDT 2006

Up here in Newington yesterday I counted 7 gliding southwards while I 
was on the ladder scraping shutters.  In the back yard white-throated 
sparrows were at the feeders.  I do believe that summer is officially over.


ButterflyPR at wrote:
> Had a sudden urge to stop by Hammo late yesterday afternoon, after I saw one monarch in Essex and one in Westbrook.  There were a lot of people at Hammo--using the holiday for a last beach day, I guess.  In the butterfly garden, I found at least two dozen monarchs, nectaring on the remains of the buddleia and those yellow daisy-looking flowers (what are they??)  Aside from them, I only saw two cabbage whites and a few moths.
> Diane

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