sightings & members' night info

ButterflyPR at ButterflyPR at
Thu Oct 19 08:26:51 EDT 2006

Yesterday around 5 PM, I saw a monarch crossing the street in Old Saybrook near Starbucks.
This morning, I saw a woolly bear--flattened out on the road in Chester.  That can't be a good sign for winter!!

This year's CBA Members' Night will once again be a festival of photographs.  It will take place on the evening of Tuesday Nov. 14, at the Ag Station, as always.  Once again, Roy Zartarian will be assembling digital images into a single presentation.  He will be accepting many formats, including jpeg, tiff, psd--please send them to him at cbapix at with the phrase CBA Files in the subject line.  The deadline for these is midnight of Friday Nov. 10.  Slides are also welcome and may be brought that evening.

Please note that any photos sent for inclusion in the evening's program will remain the property of the photographer, and will not be used by the CBA for any other purpose!  Also, you do not need to be a member of the CBA to submit photos or attend the evening's program--we always welcome friends!

More info soon-


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