Field Trip Report

Epmanshell at Epmanshell at
Sat Aug 25 15:45:30 EDT 2007

Saturday, 8/25- Despite the clouds and fog, 7 participants joined me on the  
CBA field trip to Jared Elliott Preserve and other sites in Guilford as well 
as  Van Wilgen's Nursery.
Despite a slow start, we were able to find a total of 17 species of  
butterflies for the day.
We started out at Jared Eliot Preserve.  Because of the clouds and  fog, we 
were able to find the only following species of butterflies:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (1)
Cabbage White (7)
Red-banded Hairstreak (1)
Monarch (6) including 3 caterpillars
Least Skipper (4)
Peck's Skipper (1)
Zabulon Skipper (1) (male)
Broad-winged Skipper (5)
Our next stop was Chaffinch Island Park, Guilford where we were able to  find 
a single Hackberry Emperor.
To the considerable amusement of the group, the Hackberry Emperor flew out  
of the trees and landed on my hat while I was explaining that this is a  very 
aggressive butterfly that doesn't like visitors in its territory. The  
Hackberry Emperor then flew up onto the telephone pole where it perched head  down, 
providing good views for the group.
One of the trip participants invited the group to visit the butterfly  garden 
at her house in the Sachem's Head section of Guilford.  By this  time, the 
sun had come out and butterfly activity finally picked up and we were  able to 
find the following species in her garden:
Black Swallowtail (1)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (1)
Spicebush Swallowtail (1)
Red-banded Hairstreak (1)
Question Mark (1)
American Lady (1)
Red Admiral (1)
Red-spotted Purple (2)
Monarch (3)
Zabulon Skipper (2)
Butterflies were pretty slow at the last stop, Van Wilgen's Nursery, North  
Branford  where we found the following species:
Black Swallowtail (1)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (1)
Cabbage White (3)
Great Spangled Fritillary (1)
Monarch (1)
Silver-spotted Skipper (1)
Lenny Brown

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