Bluff Head Guilford

Janine Bujalski janine.bujalski at
Wed May 9 21:33:04 EDT 2007

What a wonderfully warm, sunny day!
Diane Adams and I went to Bluff Head this morning.

In the parking lot we saw 3-4 duskywings and a tiger swallowtail

As we hiked up the trail we didn't see much till we got to the upper 
part of the trail and we saw
1 cabbage white
6 falcate orangetips
at least a dozen more white butterflies (not sure if falcate 
orangetips, cabbage whites...)
2 mourning cloaks
2 tiger swallowtails
1 dark swallowtail (Diane thinks spicebush)
3-4 very dark duskywings (Horaces?)
1 very worn duskywing
a large high flying bird (Diane thinks turkey vulture)
we saw a lot of wild columbine in bloom

the duskywings (cloudywings?) were mostly in the parking lot area, in 
the trail just beyond and on the back trail (the easy trail, not the 
steep trail) and did not cooperate with us enough for good 
identification.  Someone more familiar with duskywings might have more luck.

Diane wanted to make sure I included one more butterfly related 
sighting.  For anyone who's interested, there is a letterbox (Fly So 
High) to be found here at Bluff Head.


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