
Lemmon lemmon at
Tue May 29 19:07:31 EDT 2007

I currently have Luna, Promethea and Cecropia moths that emerged from cocoons I raised last year.  Last night 3 wild flying lunas were around my screen porch in response to a raised calling female.  I captured them about midnight and one pair were copulating this morning.  Just now a wild flying male Prometheas were fly around the porch, but too skittish yet to capture.  Two Cecropias emerged within the last couple of hours.  I prefer to mate them with wild flying forms when possible so not to inbreed the ones I raise and release.  I have been doing this for 20 plus years now and have established wild populations of these three species in my neighborhood that come to a calling female each year.  I think the tachind flies and other parasites are down because the populations of gypsy moths are down.  Wouldn't it be great to turn on your porch light and get lunas, cecropias and prometheas coming to the light? 
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