Saturday trip.....Trumbull

biobrand at biobrand at
Thu May 29 21:28:03 EDT 2008

With the current forecast and unforeseen complications with leaders, I agree 
that the trip be postponed unless someone else has time to lead.
Andy Brand

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <semismart9 at>
To: <ctleps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 7:23 PM
Subject: Saturday trip.....Trumbull

> The advanced weather forcast for Saturday morning, according to 
> Weatherunderground is not good. At the present time there is a  60% 
> prediction for Thundershowers from 6 AM thru 10AM, and from 10AM thru 3PM 
> showers are predicted. I also have to go to a funeral on Saturday morning, 
> which unfortunately lets me out as the Leader of the trip to Trumbull. I 
> think that this trip should be postponed until a future date, unless 
> someone else would like to volunteer to lead it.  I had previously6 asked 
> Greg Hanisek to help on the trip, but he is also not available, due to a 
> Granddaughter cristening, and his in-laws 60th Anniversary party.
> If some-one has other ideas, please post here for further discussion.
> Bill Banks
> Seymour

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