East Windsor 4th of July Butterfly Count

Epmanshell at aol.com Epmanshell at aol.com
Tue Jun 29 21:16:41 EDT 2010

I am pleased to announce that the inaugural East Windsor 4th of July  
Butterfly Count will be held on July 17th in conjunction with the CBA field trip  
to Flaherty Field Trial Area.
At minimum, this count will cover Flaherty Field Trial Area in East  
Other areas in the count circle with potentially good butterfly habitat  
include the eastern section of Northwest Park in Windsor including the 
butterfly  garden and the section of the park east of the tobacco barns as well  as 
Donnelly Preserve and the western end of Strong Road in South  Windsor.
If you are interested in participating in the count, it would helpful if  
you could let me know.
Sincerely yours,
Lenny Brown
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