[Ctleps-l] Admirals and swallowtails

David Cappaert cappaert at comcast.net
Mon Aug 17 18:33:18 EDT 2015

All - At the school where I work, we have a greenhouse and conservatory, which I populate from time to time with butterflies.  I would like to rear either red admirals or black swallowtails continually on host plants that I maintain.

If you know of a significant population of either adults or larvae in one location, I’d love to know about it. 

I’ve looked at a lot of nettles for admirals, but find only a few at any one time, and many are parasitized. 
I’ve not seen swallowtail larvae, but I don’t doubt that there are many CT gardens “infested” by them.

Thanks for any clues.

David Cappaert
Greenhouse/Vivarium Scientist
Environmental Sciences Magnet School at Mary Hooker
Serving students Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8
440 Broadview Terrace
Hartford, CT 06106
860.578.2251 cell
www.environmentalsciencesmagnet.org <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__email.hartfordschools.org_owa_redir.aspx-3FC-3D4vLeK-5FyNOUaUVnSYb0M56gc2IJzK1c8ImaRgZlmGQ6G5clNi93De0fNU1YIJslzDl1j5PBjx82Y.-26URL-3Dhttps-253a-252f-252femail.hartfordschools.org-252fowa-252fUrlBlockedError.aspx&d=AwIFaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=wPbNkt6T_H4X7m_PlvSFCGU2a9-csNvfRK2IVMi-mp0&m=AwPJEB9gytQ75lhue6dik-da3pAbxhEJo2Ev1sOxHnw&s=Jh_UY5qJ3-vCKcam0hIBzWjXd4z_HZXK-lcKVrZTgsE&e= >

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