[Ctleps-l] Naugatuck Oak Hairstreak+

Peter De Gennaro degennap at bc.edu
Wed Jun 24 23:26:38 EDT 2015

6/24 - Naugatuck Industrial Park  - Quick five minute check with my dad of
the milkweed patch produced an OAK HAIRSTREAK (worn), three Acadian
Hairstreaks, two Banded Hairstreaks, and a Little Glassywing.

Photo of the Oak: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.flickr.com_photos_connecticutpete_18947532859_&d=AwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=wPbNkt6T_H4X7m_PlvSFCGU2a9-csNvfRK2IVMi-mp0&m=a3m2xWe0eF6iaVuATwDFJ_EkRXywB81-lATwR4gXK7g&s=h_fG5dtD5cE66ySl33ZSWDGpm53iR9nqhIpmcawyX_M&e= 

Two other Acadian Hairstreaks were "dogfighting" at the pipeline cut.

Gunntown Passive Park, Naugatuck - Lots of hairstreaks around even though
we were there midday

Highlights were two Striped Hairstreaks and a possible female Hickory
Hairstreak: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.flickr.com_photos_connecticutpete_18947287479_&d=AwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=wPbNkt6T_H4X7m_PlvSFCGU2a9-csNvfRK2IVMi-mp0&m=a3m2xWe0eF6iaVuATwDFJ_EkRXywB81-lATwR4gXK7g&s=sSmV1iQrTtAvYCmjQnGkgC5g28FN0DOdk0Arx1UJR8U&e= 

I would appreciate any thoughts. It has the extended blue mark/small orange
crescent, and the ventral side of the antenna appears to be orange, which
is supposedly diagnostic for female Hickory. But some of the key spots of
the postmedian band are not aligned properly.

Full list:
Clouded Sulphur 1
Banded Hairstreak 12
Hickory Hairstreak 1*possible*
Striped Hairstreak 2
Summer Azure 2
Red Admiral 2
Silver-spotted Skipper 1
Least Skipper 2
Peck's Skipper 1
Delaware Skipper 1
Hobomok Skipper 1

Peter DeGennaro
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