[Ctleps-l] Milford - Common Checkered Skipper+

Peter De Gennaro degennap at bc.edu
Sat Sep 12 22:24:28 EDT 2015

9/12 - I went to Silver Sands SP today in Milford looking for Common
Checkered Skippers, hoping to find one in the small window of opportunity
where the temp was warm enough for stuff to be flying and the sun was still
out... which only lasted a half hour. Just before leaving, I decided to
check the field across the street from the parking lot and came across a
paroling male, though it never stopped flying. Not much nectar in the area,
though there are likely mallows around. Good numbers of buckeyes, including
this one that showed well in the morning sun: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__flic.kr_p_xBusSB&d=AwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=wPbNkt6T_H4X7m_PlvSFCGU2a9-csNvfRK2IVMi-mp0&m=Fdl9glynwPwsFM3Qz0lqql7bT6JwNjghRVzM1-xr554&s=h9pGXCumXBcOtogapej_rl_kSs-g2xEJ8fH-mMwLT7A&e= 

Full list:
Cabbage White 15
Clouded Sulphur 10
Orange Sulphur 25
Gray Hairstreak 1
Eastern-tailed Blue 40
Pearl Crescent 25
Common Buckeye 7
Monarch 10
Wild Indigo Duskywing 20
Common Checkered Skipper 1 male
Sachem 1 female

Peter DeGennaro
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