[Ctleps-l] Branford yard

Steve Walter swalter15 at verizon.net
Fri Aug 19 17:32:36 EDT 2016

I had the good luck to come across a Leptotes Blue in New York in 1993. My initial thought, of course, was the eastern species Cassius Blue. As it turned out, it was a Marine Blue, one of several that turned up in the east that year. So that it was I expected in this case. In comparing to my photo collection of both species, I believe Donna’s find is indeed a Cassius Blue, based on the extensive white patches on both FW and HW. Congratulations on a fabulous find.


Steve Walter

Bayside, NY


From: ctleps-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:ctleps-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Alex Grkovich
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 4:57 PM
To: Peter DeGennaro <degennap at gmail.com>; Donna <sunny19682 at comcast.net>
Cc: Butterfly Posting <CTLEPS-L at mailman.yale.edu>
Subject: Re: [Ctleps-l] Branford yard


Subspecies strigosus [= thersippus] has strayed to eastern Mass.a few years ago. This is the southwestern ssp of the Queen.


So west to east strays can take place.





From: Peter DeGennaro <degennap at gmail.com <mailto:degennap at gmail.com> >
To: Donna <sunny19682 at comcast.net <mailto:sunny19682 at comcast.net> > 
Cc: Butterfly Posting <CTLEPS-L at mailman.yale.edu <mailto:CTLEPS-L at mailman.yale.edu> >
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ctleps-l] Branford yard


Hi Donna,


I agree that it's a Cassius Blue, very cool find! They are known to stray to some extent; however, any this far north are likely the result of the chrysalis or larva being transported through human means. Interestingly, the closely related Marine Blue did stage a widespread incursion into the East from the western US a number of years ago, though that was an east-west movement as opposed to north-south.


Peter DeGennaro



On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Donna <sunny19682 at comcast.net> wrote:

While out checking the gardens about an hour ago, I happened upon this butterfly that I am unsure of the ID - I believe it is a Cassius Blue based on my two butterfly books which call it a stray into our area.  Please feel free to correct it.  Not sure of the plant it was taking nectar from (a "weed" I let grow) but stayed for about a half hour before I returned inside.


Also had 3 Spicebush Swallowtails, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Broad-winged Skipper, 1 Cabbage White, 1 Monarch and 1 tiger Swallowtail.


Donna Lorello


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