[Ctleps-l] Stratford Point Fiery, Ocola

Comins, Patrick PCOMINS at audubon.org
Fri Sep 23 07:18:17 EDT 2016

There were a few Fiery Skippers yesterday at Stratford Point, mostly around the office in the Buddleia and also the New England aster around the water garden.   Surprisingly my first sightings of them at the Point.   There were also 2 Ocola Skippers, in Buddleia around the office.   Cloudless Sulphurs continue to be attracted to the cardinal lobelia in the water garden and Sachems are abundant.   The Point will be open this weekend for the most part since Scott will be around, although aside from swarms of Monarchs, I suspect the birding will be better than the butterflying this weekend, but you never know.  It runs hot and cold and a sea breeze or other winds can really knock down the action.

Here are some photos of butterflies at the point.  The album is a compendium, with the more recent sightings towards the end.


On Wednesday there was a Gallium Sphinx Moth there in the evening feeding on cat mint in the water garden.  Photos towards the end of this album:


Finally, a belated link to some photos from the CBA walk there a few weeks ago, on what was a pretty off day for leps actually:



Patrick M. Comins, Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Connecticut
Phone: (203)405-9115

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