[Ctleps-l] Monarch

butterflypr at comcast.net butterflypr at comcast.net
Tue Jul 4 18:41:28 EDT 2017

Happy Fourth of July! Today, just after the Four on the Fourth Road Race in Chester, I saw my FOY Monarch! 

Yesterday, at Haddam Meadows State Park, I went on a hunt for Monarch eggs. Found one--it hatched today! 
Also at HMSP: 
2 Silver Spotted Skippers 
3 Red Admirals 
3 Eastern Tailed Blues 
2 sulphur sp--think one was Clouded, one Orange, not positive 
1 American Lady 

But I think the most unusual thing I saw, as I was about to drive away, was a man releasing a chipmunk from a Havahart trap! It reminded me of my childhood, when my father would trap groundhogs near the vegetable garden and release them at the train station! 

out and about 
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