[Ctleps-l] Butterfly sightings- northwestern Litchfield County

Steve Walter swalter15 at verizon.net
Thu Jul 6 21:43:53 EDT 2017

Hi Lenny,


It’s just a small sample, but no Appalachian Browns were out yet much further to the south at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation as of June 25. They were rather late this year, along with some other things. But that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Conversely, I checked my records and photos and found an Eyed Brown from Hollenbeck from as early as June 19 (2007).


The questions I’d ask are whether Appalachians are known to occur at Hollenbeck and whether the two species are known to occur together.


Steve Walter


From: ctleps-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:ctleps-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Lenny Brown
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 9:26 PM
To: ctleps-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: Re: [Ctleps-l] Butterfly sightings- northwestern Litchfield County


On Thursday, July 6th, Steve Rosenthal and I visited Hollenbeck Preserve in Canaan and Goshen WMA in Goshen. Our species lists for the day are as follows:


Hollenbeck Preserve


Cabbage White (4)

Orange Sulphur (4)

Great Spangled Fritllary (8)

American Lady (1)

Red Admiral (1)

Viceroy (2)

Appalachian (?) Brown (1)

Eyed Brown (6) (My first of the year)

Common Wood Nymph (2)

Least Skipper (2)

Peck's Skipper (1)

Delaware Skipper (1) (My first of the year)

Dion Skipper (2) (My first of the year)

Dun Skipper(1)


There is a mowed path into the preserve that can be accessed from Page Rd. off Route 7.  Most butterflies were concentrated in a small area where the mowed path crossed the line of trees near the center of the preserve.  The Appalachian (?) Brown was an extremely worn individual that emerged weeks before the very fresh Eyed Browns.   Since Appalachian Browns emerge weeks earlier than Eyed Browns, we're assuming this extremely worn individual was an Appalachian.


Goshen WMA


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (2)

Cabbage White (4)

Clouded Sulphur (1)

Orange Sulphur (3)

Bronze Copper (1)

Eastern Tailed-Blue (3)

Great Spangled Fritillary (12)

Meadow Fritillary (10)

Common Buckeye (3)

Viceroy (1)

Common Wood Nymph (2)

Silver-spotted Skipper (1)

European Skipper (3)

Peck's Skipper (1)

Long Dash (1) (very worn)


Lenny Brown





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