[Ctleps-l] Macricostas 7/15 and 16

Peary Stafford pearydstafford at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 22:01:59 EDT 2017

BK and I took a couple of short walks at Macricostas over the weekend and
saw the following:
Spicebush Swallowtail
Cabbage White
Orange Sulphur
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Great Spangled Fritillary -- dozens nectaring on Swamp Milkweed
Silver-bordered Fritillary -- BK spotted a fairly worn individual among the
GSFs.  A real treat as we've      rarely seen this species in Steep Rock.
Baltimore Checkerspot -- At least 3 individuals.  Worth a sigh of relief as
we'd seen none so far this        year
Question Mark
Red Admiral
Common Wood-Nymph
Silver-spotted Skipper
Northern Broken-Dash
Little Glassywing
Delaware Skipper
Dun Skipper

Peary and BK
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