[Ctleps-l] Reminder - CBA field trip - Lake Gaillard

Peter DeGennaro degennap at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 18:10:39 EDT 2017

Saturday July 22, 10 AM - noon
Lake Gaillard
Leader: Tom Kelly, 203-430-3180

This is a walk at the main reservoir for the Regional Water Authority.  It
is a first time trip to a site not normally open to the public! This very
scenic property includes fields and Christmas tree plantations.  Expect to
see lots of Great Spangled Fritillaries, as well as many other species.
Directions:  Access is from North St. in North Branford.

The walk is open to the public.

For a list of all 2017 CBA field trips, follow this link:

Peter DeGennaro
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