[Insightl] Re: ARTstor

Donald W. Beetham beetham at rci.rutgers.edu
Wed Aug 4 13:12:43 EDT 2004

I wholeheartedly agree with Stephen's comments especially that a more 
inclusive forum may be more productive, the excitement about ARTstor's 
possibilities and the frustration that this potential may be beyond our 


Stephen Paul Davis wrote:

> James, thanks for your response to the Insight list.   In Columbia's 
> view, and I think others', these issues really are community-wide, 
> affecting not only Insight customers but in fact any institution that 
> has implemented a local image management system and / or has faculty 
> wedded to using Powerpoint -- and who also are or might like to be 
> Artstor customers.
> Rather than more good old-fashioned, private, one-on-one conversations 
> it might be helpful for Artstor to convene a forum specifically for 
> concerned Insight (and other image system) users to listen to the 
> complexities you mention, hear about Artstor's priorities and 
> development agenda, and -- one may hope -- find some answers 
> together.  It would show Artstor's commitment to addressing the needs 
> of key segments of the teaching & research library community and save 
> you a lot of road time ;}
> Mellon has indeed done something extraordinary in creating Artstor, 
> and many of us have been inspired by the idealism behind it and 
> grateful to Mellon for its continuing commitment to all of us.  Which 
> makes the current situation all the more frustrating.
> /Stephen

Donald W. Beetham
Director, Visual Resources Collection
Department of Art History
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
beetham at rci.rutgers.edu

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