Hello,<br><br>My name is Brian Jenkins, and I am a graduate student at San Diego State University. I am preparing to start research for my thesis, which as of this moment will be about the portrayal of minorities in Japanese cinema. As I am just in the initial stages of the research, I'm not clear in which direction I'll be going. I was hoping members of this group might be able to provide me guidance as to where to find scholarly works on the topic, be they in film critique, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, or other humanities-related areas (and please don't be shy about recommending your own work). Any and all information is welcome.
<br><br>For those of you who know him, Dr. Michael Weiner will be sitting on my committee. It is he who recommended this group to me, and he who will no doubt ensure that the final draft of my thesis will be of the highest quality. I look forward to hearing from the willing and able.
<br><br>Sidenote: among the films I'll be utilizing are Oshima Nagisa's KOUSHIKEI (Death By Hanging), and Sai Yoichi's TSUKI WA DOTCHI NI DETE IRU (All Under The Moon). If anyone on this list has access (or can tell me how to get access) to copies of these films, please e-mail me. Additionally, if you can recommend other films on the topic, that information is also welcome (I have a copy of Yukisada Isao's GO, but little beyond that).
<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu.<br><br>Brian Jenkins<br>Master's Candidate, Asian Studies<br>San Diego State University<br>San Diego, CA, USA<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Me Beastie: <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/headedfortokyo">