<div>KineJapan Group,</div> <div> </div> <div>A poster at criterionforum.org posted a link last night to something which the members of this list may or may not be familiar with. The company that issued the Masterpieces of Silent Japanese Cinema CD-ROM that many are familiar with here (as well as an english subtitled DVD of Bantsuma: The Life of Tsumasaburo Bando (documentary)) are planning a welcome and ambitious DVD schedule this year which includes a four disc box-set of subtitled Japanese classic anime, Mizoguchi's The Water Magician, and Downfall of Osen. Other films on their schedule are two starring Tsumasaburo Bando and directed by Buntaro Futagawa, Serpent (Orochi, 1925) and Backward Current (Gyakuryu, 1924).</div> <div> </div> <div>I don't know about the rest of you, but if this comes to fruition, I'll be buying every release.</div> <div> </div> <div>cheers,</div> <div> </div> <div>Steven Harrison</div>
<div>Greensboro, NC</div><p> 
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