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Hello, <br><br>One thing, and I let you go, how can i unsubsrube from this list ? Not that I don't like it, but it is really trashing the mail I have submited. <br><br>Thax and have a good day ! <br>Antoine Pierrard<br><br>Univeristy of Lausanne/Switzerland<br>Demographic Researcher<br>Interdisciplinary Institute of Life Trajectories. <br><br>> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 14:49:52 -0400<br>> From: aaron.gerow@yale.edu<br>> To: KineJapan@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu<br>> Subject: OZU Yasujiro Retrospective at Yale<br>> <br>> Please Mark Your Calendar!<br>> The Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University and the Cinema <br>> at the Whitney are pleased to present<br>> <br>> OZU Yasujiro Retrospective<br>> <br>> Universally considered to be one of the great masters of Japanese (or <br>> any) cinema, Ozu Yasujiro had a remarkable career that crossed five <br>> decades. This weekly retrospective, co-sponsored by the Cinema at <br>> the Whitney, will provide a rare opportunity to see films from all <br>> periods of Ozu's career, drawing attention to his playful humor as <br>> well as his formal genius and profound understanding of shifting <br>> family relations. All films will be screened in new 35mm prints.<br>> <br>> All screenings are at the Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium, 53 <br>> Wall Street.<br>> <br>> Opening night Friday, September 19th<br>> <br>> 7:00 PM Early Summer / Bakushu (1951, 112 minutes)<br>>                                 A Straightforward Boy / Tokkan Kozo (1929, 14-minute short, silent)<br>> 9:00 PM Make Way for Tomorrow, Director Leo McCarey <br>> (1937, 91 minutes)<br>> <br>> <br>> Thursday, September 25th<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM Late Autumn / Akibiyori (1960, 125 minutes)<br>> <br>> Thursday, October 2nd<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM The Lady and the Beard / Shukujo to hige (1931, <br>> 76 minutes, silent)<br>> <br>> 9:15 PM I Flunked, But.... / Rakudai wa shita keredo. <br>> (1930, 64 minutes, silent)<br>>                                 I Graduated But... / Daigaku wa deta keredo (1930, 11 minute <br>> fragment, silent)<br>> <br>> Thursday, October 9th<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM Walk Cheerfully / Hogaraku ni ayume (1930, 90 <br>> minutes, silent)<br>> <br>> 9:15 PM The Only Son / Hitori musuko (1936, 87 minutes)<br>> <br>> Thursday, October 23rd<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM There Was a Father / Chichi ariki (1942, 92 minutes)<br>> 9:30 PM A Hen in the Wind / Kaze no naka no mendori <br>> (1948, 85 minutes)<br>> <br>> Thursday, October 30th<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM Tokyo Story / Tokyo monogatari (1953, 132 minutes)<br>> Thursday, November 6th<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM Tokyo Twilight / Tokyo boshoku (1957, 140 minutes)<br>> <br>> Thursday, November 13th<br>> <br>> 8:00 PM Good Morning / Ohayo (1959, 94 minutes)<br>> <br>> For a complete program, visit: http://research.yale.edu/ <br>> eastasianstudies/events.php<br><br /><hr />Vos emails et contacts Messenger vous suivent <a href='http://www.windowslivemobile.msn.com/?mkt=fr-be' target='_new'>partout !</a></body>