To plug one of our own books (since Jasper Sharp hasn't mentioned it
yet...), Tom Mes and Jasper's The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film
has an interesting discussion of Ringu.<br>
<a href="http://www.stonebridge.com/MIDNIGHTEYE/midnight_eye.html" eudora="autourl">
Ari Messer<br>
Stone Bridge Press<br><br>
At 04:14 AM 2/8/2009, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Hello,<br><br>
I would be very interested to be sent the articles you have written on
Ringu and Ju-On <br><br>
Zoe <br><br>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 14:05:46 +0700<br>
From: sadako@op.pl<br>
To: KineJapan@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu<br>
Subject: Re: Ringu and Ju-On 2: The Grudge<br><br>
I've got two articles out on Ringu/Juon and other contemporary J-horror
in the context of Chaos Theory but since one was published in a book in
Poland and the other one in a journal in Thailand they may be hard to
find ;) I'll be happy, however, to send you an electronic version if
you're interested.<br>
Dr Katarzyna Ancuta<br>
Graduate School of English<br>
Assumption University<br>
Ramkhamhaeng 24, Hua Mak<br>
10240 Thailand<br>
<dd>----- Original Message ----- <br>
<dd>From:</b> <a href="mailto:zmf_jones@hotmail.com">zoe jones</a> <br>
<a href="mailto:kinejapan@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu">
kinejapan@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu</a> <br>
<dd>Sent:</b> Monday, February 02, 2009 21:20<br>
<dd>Subject:</b> Ringu and Ju-On 2: The Grudge<br><br>
<dd>Hello everyone,<br>
<dd> <br>
<dd>Does anyone know any useful texts and/journals which provide an
analysis of Ringu or Ju-On 2: The Grudge?</i><br>
<dd> <br><br>
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