Dear all list members,<br><br> I am a graduating senior at Baruch College and currently writng a thesis on the cultural politics in Japan in the 1980s. "Cultural politics and identity through film and literature in Japan during the 1980s" is my proposing thesis. As massive as the thesis can be, I need to narrow it to thirty-to-fifty page paper. The proposal must be submitted by Feb. 27, and paper done by May 24th. <br>
<br> What I want to discuss and analyze are specific themes of Japanese identity and cultural politics through film: sexuality, nationalism, and language. Perhaps I should only analyze these themes through film? Or maybe only sexuality in Koji Wakamatsu's films? I want to stay within the 1980s, prior to the economic and political reforms in 1989. Any suggestions you want to shed light upon or bring to focus? I really want this to be a challenging thesis for me, consdering I am of Middle Eastern descent living in New York my whole life. I have never been to Japan, but I have watched Asian cinema since I can remember, especially films by Kurosawa and the Shaw Brothers. <br>
<br>Sincerely,<br><br>Abraheme Hassan<br>Baruch College, NY 10010<br><a href=""></a><br><br>