Oshima's <i>Night and Fog</i> was (very briefly) shown with Yoshida's <i>Chi ha kawaiteru/Blood thirsty </i>at the time. Yoshida was indeed against this idea from the beginning... and was right, for <i>Blood thirsty </i>got withdrawn from screens when <i>Night and fog</i> "massacre" (to quote Oshima's own words) occured, and became something like a lost movie until the Japanese DVD edition... in 2003 or 4 !<br>
<br>I second <i>Night & Fog</i> choice anyway - if screened during a symposium about 1960's events, there's a real chance to get a good introduction to the context and political situation at the time, that would allow the audience not to be puzzled or lost on the way... (but to me Shinoda's would be a good choice as well).<br>
<br>Mathieu Capel<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Mathieu Capel<br>67 rue de la Roquette <br>75011 Paris<br>06 50 32 45 00 / 01 43 79 19 19<br><a href="mailto:mathieucapel@gmail.com">mathieucapel@gmail.com</a><br>