<div>Hi Martin,</div> <div> </div> <div>You cannot do better than Nikutai no Mon (1948) "Gate of Flesh" by Makino, altho it may not be out on tape. Don't mistake it for the shallow 60's remake by someone else. Akatsuki no Dasso (Taniguchi, 1950) "Escape at Dawn"is
also very interesting for treating, or rather, non-treating, prostitution actually during the war, in China with J. soldiers. The story of how it was shaped and misshaped by SCAP censors is in Hirano's book Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo.</div> <div>Two great films on the geisha world which are
very up-front about the pressures to prostitution are Mizoguchi's little masterpiece Gion Bayashi (1953, E. subtitles available Eureka dvd, UK, Master of Cinema series and also available with French subtitles, check on eBay) and also Shindo Kaneto's Shukuzu (1953), in-your-face
biopic with Otowa Nobuko as the lower-class geisha. </div> <div>Gosho's Takekurabe (1953) "Growing Up" is about the Meiji-period Yoshiwara, but a better treatment of women selling their bodies you will never find on earth.</div> <div>Contact me offline if you need anymore
details about these films. Cheers.</div> <div>Faith </div>
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