<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Apologies for crossing-posting.<br>
The Faculty of Humanities in the University of Victoria, BC, Canada, is
conducting a search for the position of Dean. Please refer to the
following URL:<br>
Please circulate this to any scholars who may be appropriate and
interested. The following is an extract of the advertisement:<br>
"Reporting to the Vice-President Academic and Provost, the Dean is
responsible for providing strategic and administrative leadership to the
Faculty of Humanities. S/he will lead the Faculty in its pursuit of
international excellence by capitalizing on the Faculty’s recent growth
and further refining and strengthening its programs of education and
research. The Dean will be a strong advocate for the Faculty within the
University and will champion the mission and value of the humanities
across the broader community. The Dean will also be responsible for
maintaining a positive environment sensitive to issues of equity and
The successful candidate will be an inspiring and effective leader with
an exemplary academic background. S/he will bring a record of success in
academic administration, a proven commitment to excellence in teaching
and research, and experience in, or a demonstrated understanding of,
fundraising and external relations. S/he will be a proponent of
innovation, and a champion of the central value of the humanities within
and beyond the university. A PhD, or equivalent, in a field relevant to
the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria is required.<br>
The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages
applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities,
Aboriginal peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and
others who may contribute to the further diversification of the
University. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.<br>
Should you be interested in learning more about this exciting leadership
opportunity or receiving the position profile please contact Kelly
Baron McIntosh or Carol Robinson at 604-998-4032 or forward your
up-to-date CV, a letter of introduction and the names and contact
information for three referees, in confidence, to info@hwest.ca. For
more information, please visit our website at <www.hwest.ca>. We
will respond to all who express interest." <br>
Speaking personally, I would be thrilled to see a scholar of Asia assume
this position, to reinforce the importance of Asia historically,
economically, philosophically, and culturally.<br>
Timothy Iles<br>
Associate Professor, Japanese Studies<br>
Department of Pacific and Asian Studies<br>
University of Victoria</td></tr></table><br>
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Canada Toolbar :</span></b><span lang="NO-BOK"> Search from anywhere on
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