Hello Kinemaites,<br><br>Robyn Citizen posted a similar question recently, but I think that mine is different enough to warrant a separate thread.<br><br>I'm soliciting advice about Japan/Japanese/East Asian Studies programs that I could become involved with in the near-term.<br>
I intend to apply to graduate school for 2011 (the timing such as it is, it looks as though nothing is open for 2010), and I have a good idea of what is on offer at various locations, but I am looking for an intermediate measure that will allow me to get involved with a center or program before grad school and hit the ground running, as it were. <br>
<br>I've been involved with Japan/Japanese for nine years, and I am currently working as a freelance translator from Japanese-English, so I have the language component down pat. I was involved with Stanford's Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies, received a grant from them (researching avant-garde music in the Kansai area), and did coursework at Kansai University and Kyoto University from 2005-2007. I am also on the steering committee of a startup non-profit geared towards creating grassroots arts and lecture programming for the Japanese-speaking community in the San Francisco Bay Area.<br>
<br>My focus up until now has been almost entirely linguistic, but I want to use this to branch out into some area of arts/social/historical study of Japan. As evinced by my membership on this list, I have more than a glancing interest...<br>
<br>I would also love to do something like high-level language training in academic/professional use of Japanese, if such a thing exists.<br>I know that summer sessions are coming up at many institutions, but my impression is that most of these offer Japanese targeted at beginners, if anything.<br>
<br>So, what are my options? I would prefer to be located in the US (not looking to return to Japan quite yet), but location is flexible - I can relocate. FWIW, I'm in the New York metro area right now. I would also prefer to be actively involved on a campus or commuting to a center for daily instruction rather than continuing what I'm doing and going to a tutor occasionally on the side. I'm trying to forge some connections and get up-close-and-personal with a faculty and the research they're doing, so hiring a Japanese teacher to discuss, for e.g., politics with day in and day out, seems, while useful, something I could just as well do on my own. I have already worked with private tutors at the Japan Societies of New York and Northern California, so I would like to do something more intensive.<br>
<br>I did try contacting the Monterey Institute of International Studies because I see they offer a custom language-training component, but I haven't heard anything from them.<br><br clear="all">Very interested to hear your replies. Let me know if you need some more specifics.<br>
-- <br>Benito Cachinero<br><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/benitocachinero" target="_blank">http://www.linkedin.com/in/benitocachinero</a><br>