Hello everyone,<br><br>I am interested in screening Oshima's Tokyo Senso Sengo Hiwa (Man Who Left His Will on Film) in <br>Rochester, NY. <br>Does anyone know who has the film and the rights? <br>I have contacted New Yorker Films and Criterion, but neither has the film or rights. <br>
<br>Thank you in advance for your help. <br><br><br>----------------------------------------<br>Shota Ogawa<br>Ph.D. Student<br>Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies<br>424 Morey Hall<br>University of Rochester<br>
Rochester, NY 14627<br><br><a href="http://www.wallsonfilm.com/the-place">http://www.wallsonfilm.com/the-place</a><br>----------------------------------------<br>