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I wrote a bit about the computer technology behind Tekkon Kinkreet in an article for the UK magazine 3d World, if you can find it:<i> 3D World</i> 86
(January 2007)
<br>This was based on an interview with Michael Arias. I also talk about the film in the context of Japanese animation studios' use of 3DCG in my essay “Between
Dimensions - 3D Computer Generated Animation in Anime” in
<i>Ga-netchu! The Manga Anime Syndrome</i>. Frankfurt: Deutsches
Filmmuseum, 2008: 120-33.
You can order this publication here: http://shop.strato.de/epages/61390111.sf/en_GB/?ViewObjectID=6560378<br><br>hope this helps,<br><br>Jasper<br><br>Midnight Eye: The Latest and Best in Japanese Cinema<br>www.midnighteye.com<br><br>More details about me on http://jaspersharp.com/<br><br><br><br><br>> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 22:19:32 -0400<br>> From: komori@hamilton.edu<br>> To: kinejapan@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu<br>> Subject: Sway and Tekkon Kinkreet<br>> <br>> Hello Kine-Japan members,<br>> <br>> I would like some help on finding articles or book chapters (in <br>> English) on a couple of movies.<br>> The first title is Nishikawa Miwa's Yureru (Sway: 2006), and the <br>> second is Michael Arias' Tekkon Kinkuriito (Tekkon Kinkreet: 2006).<br>> There are good reviews such as the one on Midnight Eye, but has <br>> anybody else studied these two movies?<br>> I am looking for something that I can refer my undergraduate students <br>> to.<br>> <br>> Thanks in advance for your help,<br>> <br>> Kyoko Omori<br>> ============<br>> Hamilton College<br>> Clinton, NY<br>> <br>> <br>                                            <br /><hr />We want to hear all your funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/195013117/direct/01/' target='_new'>Tell us now</a></body>