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Hello everyone,<br><br>Just thought I'd post some information on a
two-day workshop that is happening next week (May 10th (Mon) - May 11th
(Tue)) at the University of Leeds, where David Desser, Ayako Saito,
Lucia Nagib and Jasper Sharp amongst others will be presenting papers.
May 10th is entirely devoted to 'The Japanese Case'.<br><br>Some
information below, and for more information, please visit:
10th 'The Japanese Case'<br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style=""> </p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">09:00 - 10:00 – Coffee and
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">10:00 - 10:30 – Anya
Benson (MCN York-Leeds) 'The Transformative Power of Place in
Contemporary Japanese Children's Cinema'</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">10:30 - 11:00 – Julian
Ross (MCN Leeds-Sheffield) 'Dialogues between ATG films and Angura
theatre in 60s/70s Tokyo'</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">11:00 - 11:15 – Coffee
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">11:15 - 11:45 – Jasper
Sharp (MCN Sheffield-York)</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">11:45 - 12:15 – Michael
Smith (WREAC Leeds-Sheffield) 'The Representation of Women in Postwar
Japanese Cinema: Family, Rebellion, Desire'</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt; line-height: normal;">12:15
- 13:30 – Lunch</p> <br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">13:30 - 14:15 – Prof
David Desser (University of Illinois),
‘Shojo Culture and the Mega-Text: Honey and Clover’ </p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">14:15 - 15:00 –
Professor Ayako Saito (Meiji Gakuin University),
‘Mizoguchi's Taki no shiraito (Water Magician, 1933), a comparative
study in literature, theatre and film’</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">15:00 - 15:45 –
Professor Lúcia Nagib (Leeds) –'<em>The Realm
of the Senses, shunga </em>and the eroticised apparatus' </p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">15:45 - 16:00 – Tea
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">16:00 - 18:00 – Dr
Mika Ko (Sheffield) 'Neo-Documentarism
inMatsumoto Toshio's <em>Funeral Parade of Roses</em>'</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">
Dr Irena Hayter (Leeds) Title to be
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">
Dr Jonathan Rayner (Sheffield)</p><br>
<strong style=""><span style=""><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></span></strong><br><br>
Part 2 – Perspectives on European and World Cinema<br><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style=""> </p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">11/05/2010</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style=""> </p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">09:30 – 10:15 – Prof
Stephanie Donald (RMIT, Melbourne),
‘Missing histories in film and art: the lost opportunities of wound
film-making in the 1980s’</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">10:15 – 11:00 – Prof
Tim Bergfelder (University of Southampton),
‘Vernacular Modernism and the Mediatized City’</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">11:00 – 11:15 –
Coffee break</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">11:15 – 12:00 – Prof
Anne Jerslev (University of Copenhagen),
‘Antichrist and the Danish/European debate’</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">12:00 - 12:45 – Dr
Richard Smith (University of Sydney) 'Between
Heaven and Earth: Simultaneity and National Cinema’</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="">12:45 - 14:00 –
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">14:00 - 17:00 –
Network Members to discuss further activities,
grant proposals and outputs of the Mixed Cinema Network</p><br>
The workshop is supported by the University of Leeds School of Modern
Languages and Cultures and the Leeds Humanities Research Institute, the
Great Britain Sasawaka Foundation and the White Rose East Asia Centre.<br><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">Further downloadable
information is available below</p><br>
<p class="ecxMsoNormal" style="text-indent: -36pt;">If you are
interested in attending the workshop, please contact
Jenni Rauch (<a href="mailto:j.s.rauch@leeds.ac.uk">j.s.rauch@leeds.ac.uk</a>)</p>                                            <br /><hr />Get a new e-mail account with Hotmail – Free. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/197222280/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign-up now.</a></body>