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<div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(42, 42, 42); "><pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; ">Name: Lauri Kitsnik<br style="line-height: 17px; ">Institutional affiliation or job: University of Cambridge, PhD candidate in East Asian Studies<br style="line-height: 17px; ">City and country: Cambridge, UK / Tallinn, Estonia<br style="line-height: 17px; ">Research projects or publications: Film adaptations of modern Japanese literature (PhD project) <br style="line-height: 17px; ">Interests with regard to Japanese film and moving image media: I have a background in literary studies having obtained my MA from the University of Tokyo with a thesis on poetry and poetic theory of Hagiwara Sakutaro; accordingly my main interests regarding the moving image are where literature and film meet: scenarios and film adaptations in particular. At the moment I am working in Japan to finish a comparative study on film versions of Kawabata's Izu no odoriko, and after that I will probably concentrate on issues arising from Kitagawa Fuyuhiko's "Shinario bungaku ron".</pre></span></div>                                            </body>