<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>it's a good question about the distribution problem. apparently the main snag has been lack of fuel for trucks. not only has petrol distribution to gas stands itself slowed down, but also private cars have mobbed gas stations, making relief trucks stand in queue!!! today the SDF had entered this scene and started enforcing relief truck priority at gas stands. SDF are also contributing trucks and guys to drive them, both of which are in short supply in the affected areas. US Forces are also helping with relief supplies.</DIV>
<DIV>FB<BR><BR>--- On <B>Fri, 2011/3/18, Wei Ting Jen <I><intewig@gmail.com></I></B> wrote:<BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="BORDER-LEFT: rgb(16,16,255) 2px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px" class=jp_replyForwardContainer><BR>
<DIV id=yiv362508506>
<DIV>Hi everyone</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Just wanted to raise a question for discussion. There's been lots of fundraising and charity drives going on around the world, and even small-time charities trying to capitalise on the disaster to raise funds on the internet. Even my own company is launching a charity drive for the Red Cross. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>But how much of these funds raised are actually going to go to the earthquake/tsunami victims and refugees? I understand that the Japanese government has not asked for money, only specific items like fuel, gas, boron, medical services, etc. Other unharmed prefectures have been sending relief goods which have been accumulating in relief centres because the local government has not been able to distribute them fast enough (for what reason I don't know).</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I am not questioning people's intentions here, and I fully support events such as Jasper Sharp's Play for Japan (great pun by the way). I don't mean to be controversial, but I just don't think donating money through the internet or to the local Red Cross is the most direct or effective way of helping victims of this disaster. If there was a specific cause, say someone with a direct link to a particular village trying to rebuild homes, yes, that should be fully supported. But donating directly to relief organisations and expecting Mr Hiratsuka to benefit directly....</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Again, I stress that I think Play for Japan is a great event and it's wonderful that people are opening their hearts and wallets to help the disaster victims. I just wonder if there are more effective ways out there to make a contribution? </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Appreciate hearing your thoughts.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Wei Ting</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV class=gmail_quote>2011/3/18 Jasper Sharp <SPAN dir=ltr><<A href="http://jp.mc2000.mail.yahoo.co.jp/mc/compose?to=jasper_sharp@hotmail.com" rel=nofollow target=_blank ymailto="mailto:jasper_sharp@hotmail.com">jasper_sharp@hotmail.com</A>></SPAN><BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class=gmail_quote>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">I've already posted this information on my own website , but figured there would be UK based Kinejapanners who might be interested.<BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">The original posts are here:<BR>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><A href="http://jaspersharp.com/blog/news/2011/03/play_for_japan/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://jaspersharp.com/blog/news/2011/03/play_for_japan/</A></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><A href="http://jaspersharp.com/blog/news/2011/03/earthquake/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://jaspersharp.com/blog/news/2011/03/earthquake/</A></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">There's also a series of daily video diaries Tokyo-based filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash has been posting on youtube, which I've also been linking to, which might give those outside of Japan a better perspective as to how people are faring in the capital at the moment. </DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">The Play For Japan website [<A href="http://www.playforjapan.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.playforjapan.com/</A>] has been set up to give details of all fundraising events in the UK for the Tohoku Earthquale. The coming weeks should see a number of arts and music related events taking place in London, such as a handful of gigs by the London-based Aussie electro-techno twosome Loops of Fury [<A href="http://www.myspace.com/theloopsoffury" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.myspace.com/theloopsoffury</A>] and a 1950′s themed Whiskey Tasting and music Extravaganza with Cask Strength and Gary Driscoll! No doubt there’ll be plenty more soon announced too, but if you’ve got any ideas of ways you can raise money, then get in touch with Play for Japan at <STRONG><A href="http://jp.mc2000.mail.yahoo.co.jp/mc/compose?to=events@playforjapan.com" rel=nofollow target=_blank
ymailto="mailto:events@playforjapan.com">events@playforjapan.com</A></STRONG><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">.</SPAN></STRONG></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">Oh yes, and there’s also a Play for Japan Facebook group [<A href="http://www.facebook.com/PlayPrayPay.A.Little.Something4JapanAid" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.facebook.com/PlayPrayPay.A.Little.Something4JapanAid</A>]</SPAN></STRONG></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">Dates and venues for the above events have yet to be confirmed, which goes someway to show the difficulties in getting hold of a venue at short notice, which is why we are particularly grateful to the Roxy Bar and Screen [<A href="http://www.roxybarandscreen.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.roxybarandscreen.com/</A>] on Borough High Street (midway between London Bridge and Borough tube stations) for stepping in at such short notice and providing both a bar and a screen for a Special screening of Beyond Anime: CALF Animation for Play for Japan, on Sunday 3 April from 6-9pm.</DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">And likewise, a huge thanks to Nobuaki Doi and the animators at CALF, Atsushi Wada, Kei Oyama, Mirai Mizue and the TOCHKA collective for giving their thumbs up to show this film. </DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">There’s no fixed ticket price. Just donate what you want at the door, and we’ll no doubt find some other way of prising more money from your hands on the night, all of which will go directly to the </DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund [<A href="http://www.japansociety.org.uk/earthquake/%5D/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.japansociety.org.uk/earthquake/]/</A></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">For more details, take a look at the entry on the <STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">Play for Japan website [<A href="http://www.playforjapan.com/2011/03/17/special-screening-of-beyond-anime-calf-animation-for-play-for-japan/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.playforjapan.com/2011/03/17/special-screening-of-beyond-anime-calf-animation-for-play-for-japan/</A>], its Facebook event page [<A href="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=184988074878632" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=184988074878632</A>] or the Zipangu Fest website [<A href="http://zipangufest.com/events/2011/special-screening-of-beyond-anime-calf-animation-for-play-for-japan" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://zipangufest.com/events/2011/special-screening-of-beyond-anime-calf-animation-for-play-for-japan</A>], with the full programme listed here [<A href="http://zipangufest.com/films/2010/beyond-anime-calf-animation"
rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://zipangufest.com/films/2010/beyond-anime-calf-animation</A>]. </SPAN></STRONG></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">So Just to reiterate, that’s </DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><B>Special screening of Beyond Anime: CALF Animation for Play for Japan</B></DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">Where: The Roxy Bar and Screen, 128-132 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LB (London Bridge and Borough tube stations)</DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm">When: Sunday 03 April 2010, 18:00 – 21:00.</DIV>
<P style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0cm"><BR></DIV><BR><BR>Jasper Sharp: Writer & Film Curator Homepage<BR><A href="http://jaspersharp.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://jaspersharp.com/</A><BR><BR>Midnight Eye: The Latest and Best in Japanese Cinema<BR><A href="h