<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; "><br><div><br><div>Begin forwarded message:</div><blockquote type="cite"><div><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><br></font>From: Peter Matanle <<a href="mailto:peter_matanle@yahoo.co.jp">peter_matanle@yahoo.co.jp</a>><br><br>Dear All,<br><br>This is just a short message to let you know two things. First, that the latest issue of the electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies (ejcjs) has now been published and you can find details on the journal's front page here:<br><br><a href="http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk">www.japanesestudies.org.uk</a><br><br>(At the bottom of this mail is a list of publications in 2011.)<br><br>Second, is that I am stepping down as the general editor from today, after more than ten years since founding and working on the journal. We have published more than 196 articles, discussion papers, book and film reviews, and other papers during that period, and we have lots more to come in the next ten years, as Tim Iles from the University of Victoria takes over the job and injects fresh ideas and skills into the job. I am sure he will be a great editor and will take the journal into new territory above and beyond what has already been achieved. I will stay on as Publishing Editor in order to help Tim into the the editor's chair.<br><br>I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the journal, from contributors through editorial board members, to readers and those who have included the journal's publications as citations in their own research or in teaching materials. The journal could not have succeeded without all of your help and trust. I would also like to ask for your support and encouragement for Tim as he begins his task.<br><br>Thank you so much, and best wishes,<br><br>Peter Matanle<br><br>---------------------<br>ejcjs in 2011<br><br>Peer Reviewed Articles<br><br>7. Re-Narrating Social Class and Masculinity in Neoliberal Japan: An Examination of the Media Coverage of the 'Akihabara Incident' of 2008 Slater, David and Galbraith, Patrick W.<br>Posted: 30 September 2011<br><br>6. Inheriting the Legacy of the Souls of the War Dead: Linking Past, Present and Future at the Yuushuukan<br>Perkins, Chris<br>Posted: 30 September 2011<br><br>5. National Identity (Re)Construction in Japanese and American Animated Film: Self and Other Representation in Pocahontas and Princess Mononoke Yoshida, Kaori<br>Posted: 30 September 2011<br><br>4. Triangle of Power: Relations between the Occupation Authorities, Conservative Politicians and Behind-the-Scenes Financiers in Postwar Japan Saunavaara, Juha<br>Posted: 31 May 2011<br><br>3. Radio and Television Consumption in Japan: A Trilateral Intercultural Comparison with the UK and Germany Heinze, Ulrich<br>Posted: 31 May 2011<br><br>2. A Postmodern Experience? The Case of Japanese Architecture<br>Gharipour, Mohammad<br>Posted: 31 January 2011<br><br>1. Problem Gambling in Japan: A Social Perspective<br>Takiguchi, Naoko and Rosenthal, Richard J.<br>Posted: 31 January 2011<br><br>Discussion Papers<br><br>5. Hope and Peril in Equal Measure: Negotiating Traumatic War Memories within the Construction of Oral Histories Hadley, Gregory<br>Posted: 30 September 2011<br><br><br>4. Smoke in the Air, Poison in the Soil: Yoshida Misawo and Industrial Waste in Iga City, Japan<br>Chakraborty, Abhik<br><br>Posted: 31 May 2011<br><br>3. Japanese Middle-aged Women and the Hanryu Phenomenon<br>Takeda, Atsushi<br>Posted: 31 May 2011<br><br>2. Inroads or Crossroads? The Soka Gakkai's Pacifist Endeavours in Japanese Foreign Policy<br>Benedict, Timothy<br>Posted: 31 January 2011<br><br>1. Dealing with Complexity in Japanese Defense Politics: The Next Generation of Good Subject-Matter Questions<br>Clausen, Daniel<br>Posted: 31 January 2011<br><br>Book Reviews<br><br>6. Social Class in Contemporary Japan<br>Matanle, Peter<br>Review of: Ishida, H. and Slater, D. H. (Eds.) (2010) Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.<br>Posted: 30 September 2011<br><br>5. Better to Remain Silent? Japan and the G7/8, 1975-2002<br>Morris, Narrelle<br>Review of: Dobson, Hugo (2004) Japan and the G7/8, 1975-2002, London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon.<br>Posted: 30 September 2011<br><br>4. Modern Monetary Policy in Theory and Practice: Central Banking and Financial Markets Heckel, Markus<br>Review of: Shirakawa Masaaki (2008) Gendai no Kin'yuu Seisaku: Riron to Jissai [Modern Monetary Policy in Theory and Practice: Central Banking and Financial Markets], (in Japanese), Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Shinbun Shuppan Sha, ISBN: 978-4-532-13344-3, 445 pages.<br>Posted: 31 May 2011<br><br>3. Mechanical, Academic, Anime: Mechademia 4 and Mechademia 5<br>Iles, Timothy<br>Review of: Lunning, Frenchy, ed., Mechademia 4: War/Time, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009, and Lunning, Frenchy, ed., Mechademia 5: Fanthropologies, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.<br>Posted: 31 May 2011<br><br>2. Inventing a Japan through Theatre<br>Iles, Timothy<br>Review of: Lee, Josephine (2010) The Japan of Pure Invention: Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press.<br>Posted: 31 January 2011<br><br>1. I Spy ... The Failure of Japanese Military Intelligence in World War II<br>Iles, Timothy<br>Review of: Kotani, Ken (2009) Japanese Intelligence in World War II, Oxford: Osprey Publishing.<br>Posted: 31 January 2011<br><br><br>---------<br>Dr Peter Matanle<br>Lecturer in Japanese Studies and Taught Postgraduate Tutor,<br>National Institute of Japanese Studies and School of East Asian Studies<br>University of Sheffield, UK, Tel: +44 (0)114 222 8407<br>Co-editor, Japan Forum<br>Publishing Editor, electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies<br>Website: www.japanesestudies.org.uk<br>e-mail: editor@japanesestudies.org.uk<br></div></blockquote></div><br></body></html>