<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear Kine-Japan members,<br><br>I would like to take the opportunity to
introduce myself to members of the list. My name is Peter Yacavone and I
am a second-year PhD student at the University of Warwick (Film and TV
Studies Department), with an MPhil. from Oxford. I am writing my
doctoral thesis on Suzuki Seijun, a broad critical overview and
reassessment of his films. <br><br>I have two questions and was wondering if any members could be of assistance:<br><br>Firstly,
I am looking to apply for fellowships or financial support to undertake
short-term research in the Tokyo area. Most of the programs and institutions that
offer research support require that the student has made prior contact
with a specialist at a Japanese university, and that the specialist has
agreed to act, potentially, as a supervisor. I was wondering if any list
members know of any film scholars based in
the greater Tokyo area who might potentially be interested in supervising my
research on Suzuki? <br><br>Secondly, in reference to my chapter on
Suzuki's 'Zigeunerweisen,' I was wondering if the list members are
familiar with any scholarly literature which discusses the usage of the ghost (yuurei, etc) as historical/social allegory in film and literature?<br> <br>Thanks and Best Wishes,<br>Peter Yacavone</td></tr></table>