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<i>Dear KineJapan email list ...</i><br>
Bruce Willoughby of CJS Publications has recommended that I put
forward my following request ...<br>
For a number of years now I have been trying to find out where the
film locations were that Ozu used in the making of his film '<i>Floating
Weeds</i>' (the colour 1959 version also called '<i>Ukikusa</i>').
I have contacted <i>Ozu-San.com</i> ( <a
href="http://www.a2pcinema.com/ozu-san/home.htm" target="_blank">http://www.a2pcinema.com/ozu-san/home.htm</a>
), but they are unable to help me. Donald Richie is unable to help
either, as you may know that he died this year.<br>
Some images from the film showing locations in Japan can be seen
If you cannot help, perhaps you can provide me with a resource in
Japan or a group that may be specialised in Japanese films and who
may be able to help.<br>
Many thanks ...<span class="HOEnZb"><br>
Dave Cooper<br>
The Netherlands</span>