<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, Sans-Serif|1;font-size:12pt"><DIV style="RIGHT: auto" id=yiv8218285131>
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<DIV style="RIGHT: auto"><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>Dear KineJapaners,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV style="RIGHT: auto"><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>I see that part 1 of <I style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: normal">The Aesthetics of Shadow, Part 1: Japan</SPAN></I> is up the MoMA website and, contrary to my guess, is largely <U>before</U> KinemaClub XIII on January 7th to 19th.</FONT></DIV><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; RIGHT: auto" class=yiv8218285131MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; RIGHT: auto"><A style="RIGHT: auto" href="http://www.moma.org/visit/calendar/films/1449" rel=nofollow target=_blank><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" color=#2862c5>http://www.moma.org/visit/calendar/films/1449</FONT></A></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV style="RIGHT: auto">It dooesn't seem that you can book tickets more than a week before the screening which, even though that's a week more than at Tokyo NFC, is tricky for booking flights ahead.</DIV>
<DIV style="RIGHT: auto"> </DIV>
<DIV style="RIGHT: auto">It's also tricky for KineClub - papers </FONT><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>on Fri 17th and Sat 18th but there was talk of screening(s). </FONT><FONT face=Arial>Yes, I know we'll always have Berlin ...</FONT></DIV>
<DIV style="RIGHT: auto"><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>Roger</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV><FONT face=Arial></FONT></DIV><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>----- Original Message ----- </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>From: "Daisuke Miyao" <</FONT><A href="mailto:dmiyao@uoregon.edu" rel=nofollow target=_blank ymailto="mailto:dmiyao@uoregon.edu"><FONT color=#2862c5 face=Arial>dmiyao@uoregon.edu</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>To: "Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum" <</FONT><A href="mailto:kinejapan@lists.service.ohio-state.edu" rel=nofollow target=_blank ymailto="mailto:kinejapan@lists.service.ohio-state.edu"><FONT color=#2862c5 face=Arial>kinejapan@lists.service.ohio-state.edu</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 6:11 PM</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial>Subject: Re: [KineJapan] "The Aesthetics of Shadow" Retrospective @ Berlin International Film Festival</FONT></DIV></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial><BR></FONT></DIV><FONT face=Arial>> Dear all,<BR>> <BR>> Thank you very much for your interests in the retrospective. Answering <BR>> Alex's question, here is the tentative list of films (not only <BR>> Japanese). In addition to Berlin International Film Festival, I am <BR>> collaborating with MoMA of New York, and they will have its own "The <BR>> Aesthetics of Shadow" series in January. More information to come....<BR>> <BR>> Best,<BR>> Daisuke<BR>> <BR>> A) LIGHTING STYLES FOR GENRES:<BR>> 1) Street films: “City as protagonist”<BR>> JUJIRO (Crossways/Im Schatten des Yoshiwara), Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1928 <BR>> (silent, engl. subt.)<BR>> SONO YO NO TSUMA (That Night’s Wife), Yasujiro Ozu, 1930 (silent, engl. <BR>> subt.)<BR>> NINJO KAMIFUSEN (Humanity and Paper Balloon), Yamanaka Sadao, 1937 <BR>> (engl. subt.)<BR>> SUNRISE, F.W. Murnau, 1927
(silent)<BR>> QUAI DES BRUMES, Marcel Carné, F 1938 (Eugen Schüfftan)<BR>> UNTER DER LATERNE, Gerhard Lamprecht, G 1926 (silent, digital <BR>> restoration, Deutsche Kinemathek)<BR>> DIRNENTRAGÖDIE, Bruno Rahn, 1927 (Guido Seeber) or<BR>> MINATO NO NIHON MUSUME (Japanese Girls at the Harbor), Hiroshi Shimizu, <BR>> 1933<BR>> <BR>> 2) jidaigeki: “Flash of the sword”<BR>> YUKINOJO HENGE (An Actor’s Revenge), Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1935/1952 <BR>> (engl. subt.)<BR>> THE MARK OF ZORRO, Fred Niblo, 1920 (silent)<BR>> RASHOMON, Akira Kurosawa, 1950<BR>> THE IRON MASK, Allan Dwan, 1929 (silent)or<BR>> SCARAMOUCHE, Rex Ingram, 1924 (silent)<BR>> <BR>> 3) “War films”<BR>> GONIN NO SEKKOHEI (Five Scouts), Tomotaka Tasaka, 1938 (live subt. <BR>> engl.)<BR>> HAWAI MARE OKI KAISEN (The War at Sea from Hawaii to Malaya), Kajiro <BR>> Yamamoto, 1944 (live subt. engl.)<BR>> DAWN PATROL, Howard
Hawks, 1930<BR>> AIR FORCE, Howard Hawks, 1943<BR>> <BR>> B) LIGHTING STYLES FOR STARS:<BR>> Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Kazuo Hasegawa/Hayashi Chojiro, Sessue <BR>> Hayakawa etc.<BR>> 4) Lighting styles for stars<BR>> TSURUHACHI TSURUJIRO (Tsuruhachi and Tsurujiro), Mikio Naruse, 1938 <BR>> (engl. subt.)<BR>> THE TYPHOON, Reginald Barker, (withHenry Kotani), 1914 (silent)<BR>> THE CHEAT, Cecil B. DeMille, 1915 (silent)<BR>> SHANGHAI EXPRESS, Josef von Sternberg, 1932 (Lee Garmes) and/or<BR>> FLESH AND THE DEVIL, Clarence Brown, 1926 (William Daniels) and/or<BR>> <BR>> C) THEMES:<BR>> 5) Light and Rhythm<BR>> KURUTTA IPPEJI (A Page of Madness), Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926 (silent, <BR>> engl. subt.)<BR>> OSHIDORI UTAGASSEN (Singing Lovebirds), Makino Masahiro, 1939 (engl. <BR>> subt.)<BR>> BERLIN. DIE SINFONIE DER GROßSTADT (Berlin. Symphony of a Great City), <BR>> Walther Ruttmann,
1927<BR>> 1 Short film program:<BR>> OPUS I-IV, Walther Ruttmann, 1921-25<BR>> Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiss Grau, László Moholy-Nagy, 1930<BR>> Grossstadtzigeuner, László Moholy-Nagy, 1932<BR>> <BR>> 6) Painting with shadows<BR>> UGETSU (Tales of the Rain and Moon), Kenji Mizoguchi, 1953 (engl. <BR>> subt.)<BR>> FAUST, F.W. Murnau, 1926 (silent)<BR>> LA BELLE ET LA BETE, Jean Cocteau, F 1945 (Henri Alekan)<BR>> STAGECOACH, John Ford, 1939 (Bert Glennon)<BR>> and possibly FÄHRMANN MARIA, Frank Wysbar, G 1936<BR>> <BR>> 7) Towards Realism (6 films)<BR>> DOCKS OF NEW YORK, Josef von Sternberg, 1926 (engl. subt.)<BR>> NASAKE NO HIKARI (Light of Compassion), Henri Kotani, 1926 (silent, <BR>> engl. live subt.)<BR>> TOKYO NO EIYU (A Hero of Tokyo), Hiroshi Shimizu, 1935 (engl. subt.)<BR>> THE GRAPES OF WRATH, John Ford, 1940<BR>> CITIZEN KANE, Orson Welles, 1941<BR>> NAKED CITY Jules Dassin, 1948
(restoration LoC) or<BR>> BERLIN EXPRESS, Jacques Tourneur, 1948 (restoration LoC)<BR>> <BR>> Additional title:<BR>> Benjamin Christensen: HÆVNENS NAT or HEMMELIGHEDSFULDE X (or less known <BR>> title → Thomas Christensen) (silent)<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> On 2013/11/08 06:52, Alex Zahlten wrote:<BR>>> This looks amazing, Daisuke. In the press release no specific films<BR>>> seem to be mentioned- are you allowed to give us an idea of which<BR>>> Japanese films will be playing there?<BR>>> <BR>>> Best<BR>>> <BR>>> Alex<BR>>> <BR>>> GESENDET: Donnerstag, 07. November 2013 um 22:50 Uhr<BR>>> VON: "Daisuke Miyao" <</FONT><A href="mailto:dmiyao@uoregon.edu" rel=nofollow target=_blank ymailto="mailto:dmiyao@uoregon.edu"><FONT color=#2862c5 face=Arial>dmiyao@uoregon.edu</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>><BR>>> AN: "Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum"
<BR>>> <</FONT><A href="mailto:kinejapan@lists.service.ohio-state.edu" rel=nofollow target=_blank ymailto="mailto:kinejapan@lists.service.ohio-state.edu"><FONT color=#2862c5 face=Arial>kinejapan@lists.service.ohio-state.edu</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>><BR>>> BETREFF: [KineJapan] "The Aesthetics of Shadow" Retrospective @<BR>>> Berlin International Film Festival<BR>>> Dear All,<BR>>> <BR>>> I would like to let you know that my book, The Aesthetics of Shadow:<BR>>> Lighting and Japanese Cinema (Duke University Press, 2013), is <BR>>> invited<BR>>> to the 64th Berlin International Film Festival. There will be a<BR>>> retrospective based on the book and beyond. Here is the link to the<BR>>> festival website.<BR>>> <BR>>> <BR>>> </FONT><A href="http://www.berlinale.de/en/presse/pressemitteilungen/alle/Alle-Detail_19796.html"
rel=nofollow target=_blank><FONT color=#2862c5 face=Arial>http://www.berlinale.de/en/presse/pressemitteilungen/alle/Alle-Detail_19796.html</FONT></A><BR><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" face=Arial>>> [1]<BR>>> <BR>>> I am going to introduce some films. If you are in Berlin in February,<BR>>> see you there!<BR>>> <BR>>> Best,<BR>>> Daisuke<BR>>> <BR>>> Daisuke Miyao<BR>>> Associate Professor of Japanese Film and Cinema Studies<BR>>> University of Oregon<VAR id=yiv8218285131yui-ie-cursor></VAR><BR></FONT></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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