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<font size="2" face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Dear all,<br />
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We are pleased to announce the launching of <span style="background-color: #78d4ff;">OrNamenTTokYo Book</span>, an exploration of how to reinvent the activation of 'a common' and 'publicness' in Japan and beyond.<br />
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To celebrate OrNamenTTokYo Book we gather at <span style="color: #ff00ae;">NICA, Nihonbashi Institute of Contemporary Arts, an art center in Odenma-cho (Nihonbashi), September 22, at 3pm</span>, hoping you can join this <span style="color: #696969;">coming-together</span> of <span style="color: #ff0000;">voices, cultures, geographies, and ideas</span>: The gathering continues the tradition of OrNamenTTokYo events with a multifaceted program.<br />
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For details please see the flyer (eng.) attached and check out <span style="background-color: #97ff96;">Art Autonomy Network</span> <a href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__a-2Da-2Dn.org_&d=DQMFAw&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=e7qMG9KFq7WNnPQWULWHJA&m=2_21XmsIywdFuldeQonl4yLZwrYLWFk-OpWayVBx-gk&s=5Y32CeH_sX6IVBuybhcElg3dKW-7eZsiM_fK5l_YmWo&e=">website</a>: aanet.exblog.jp/23493034/, aanet.exblog.jp/23449108/<br />
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<span style="color: #a700ff;">OrNamenTTokYo Book features</span> writings and contributions by Hikaru FUJII, Hiroshi OTA, Takaaki SOGA, Joon Yang KIM, Christian DIMMER, David d’HEILLY, Dominick CHEN, Genichi IDE, Kenta KISHI, BCL Georg TREMMEL and Shiho FUKUHARA, Emiko KATO, F.Atsumi, Merce Rodrigo García and Verina GFADER.<br />
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Organisers: Verina Gfader, Merce Rodrigo García<br />
Co-organiser: Emiko Kato (Art Autonomy Network)<br />
Cover Designer: Verina Gfader<br />
Editor-in-Chief: F.Atsumi<br />
Editors: Verina Gfader, Emiko Kato<br />
Publishers: Art-Phil, Art Autonomy Network<br />
* "Book" is printed matter as a part of OrNamenTTokYo project.</font>