[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--New issue of "Afn Shvel"

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Aug 28 20:15:16 EDT 2008

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature

Personal Notices and Announcements
Aug. 28, 2008

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Di Yidish-Lige lozt visn az der numer 340-341 funem zhurnal AFN SHVEL iz aroys fun druk. Der
unikaler numer, Khurbn un Voglenish, ibergegebn partizaners un pleytim in tsayt fun der tsveyter
velt-milkhome, iz koylel 64 zaytn un brengt oytentishe ershtperzonike zikhroynes un briv, vi oykh
artiklen vegn partizaners, pleytim, di-pi-lagern un yisker-bikher. Leyeners veln farkhapt vern fun
etlekhe artiklen vegn pleytim in Kobe, Yapan, un Shankhay, vi oykh fun a sakh zeltene fotos un
postkartlekh fun di milkhome-yorn.

- "Der toyt hot mir oysgemitn: Zikhroynes fun a partizanern" - Khayele Palevski
- "Mayne zikhroynes: Bar-mitsve-droshe fun Leybl Melamdovitsh, a Bialistoker yingl in Shikage,
1945" - Leybl Melamed
- "Fun Varshe iber Eyrope kin Yapan" - Mashe Bernshteyn Leon
- "Briv fun Shankhay, 1946-1947" - Meyer Tsuker
- "Layphaym, a di-pi-lager" - Miryem Gotdank Tabak Ayzaks
- Poezye - fun "Yapanishe Motivn" - Mordkhe Rotnberg
- Fun undzere bikher-politses: "'Di tsoyberfule landshaft': yisker-bikher un der yidisher zikorn":
- Arn Rubinshteyn
- Laytish mame-loshn - "Verter et kompani: Eliezer Shteynbarg" - Shimen Noyberg
- Ongekumen in redaktsye - Poezye un proze fun Aleksander Shpiglblat, A.N. Shtentsl, Rifke
Basman-Ben-Khayim, Grunia Slutski-Kohn un Dzhil Kuliner

                Vegn AFN SHVEL:

AFN SHVEL vert aroysgegebn fun der Yidish-Lige un kumt aroys 3 mol a yor. Der zhurnal iz shoyn 67
yor yung. Af di zaytn fun AFN SHVEL vet ir gefinen:
	- artiklen fun Yidish-kultureln, literarishn, lingvistishn, un koolshn interes,
	- zeyer a modernem format mit bilder, ilustratsyes un a kolirte hile
	- breyte glosarn (af English un af Yidish) vos baleytn etlekhe artiklen kedey
tsutsuhelfn dem nayern leyener.

	- etlekhe artiklen veln bald zayn af der internets, firgeleynt in farsheydene
dialektn, me zol zikh kenen tsuhern un mitleyenen in der zelber tsayt.
DOS ABONIRN ZIKH kost nor $36 ($18 far studentn, $50 far institutsyes). An eyntslner numer kost
$15. Shikt ayer tshek, oysgeshtelt tsu: League for Yiddish, Inc. af dem nayem adres:

League for Yiddish, Inc.
64 Fulton St., Suite 1101
New York, NY 10038

Zayt azoy gut un shikt undz ayer nomen, adres, telefon, vi oykh ayer blitsadres. Ir kent zikh oykh
abonirn mit a kredit-kartl oder durkh paypal.com af undzer vebzaytl (www.leagueforyiddish.org).

Oyb ir hot frages, farbindt zikh mit undz:
info at leagueforyiddish.org oder klingt on in byuro:

Ven ir abonirt zikh vert ir oytomatish a mitglid fun der Yidish-Lige un ir vet oykh kenen onteyl
nemen in VZMAY (Vi Zogt Men af Yidish?), an elektronisher forum vos hot far ir tsil tsu
farshpreytn dem banits funyidishe verter un oysdrukn, spetsyel terminologishe firleygn vos me ken nit gefinen in di shoyn
faranene verterbikher fun yidish.
Nokh informatsye vegn AFN SHVEL un der Yidish-Lige kent ir gefinen af undzer vebzaytl:

New Issue of AFN SHVEL
A Yiddish Magazine for the 21st Century

The League for Yiddish is pleased to announce that issue 340-341 of its magazine AFN SHVEL is now
available. This special issue devoted to partisans and refugees during the Holocaust contains 64
pages and features authentic first-hand accounts and letters as well as articles on partisans, refugees,
DP camps, and Yizker books. Of particular interest to readers will be several articles on the
refugee experience in Kobe, Japan, and in Shanghai as well as many rare
photos and postcards from the war years.
Table of Contents:

- "Death Eluded Me (Memoirs of a Partisan)" -Khayele Palevsky
- "My Memoirs: The Bar-Mitzvah Speech of Leybl Melamdovich, a Boy from Bialystok in Chicago, 1945"
- Leybl Melamed
- "From Warsaw Through Europe to Japan" - Masha Bernstein Leon
- "Letters from a Refugee in Shanghai 1946-1947" - Meyer Zucker
- "Leipheim, A DP Camp" - Miriam Gottdank Tabak Isaacs
- Poetry - from "Japanese Motifs" - Mordecai Rothenberg
- About Books: "'The Magical Landscape': Memorial Books and Jewish Memory" - Aaron Rubinstein
- Authentic Yiddish: "Words and Company: Eliezer Shteynbarg" - Shimen Neuberg
- Books Received: Works by Alexander Shpiegelblatt, A.N. Stencl, Rivka Basman-Ben-Khayim, Grunia
Slutzky-Kohn and Jill Culiner


"Afn Shvel," now in its 67th year, is published 3 times a year by the League for Yiddish and:
	- features articles of Yiddish cultural, literary, linguistic, and 
          communal interest
	- has a beautiful, modern layout, a multi-colored cover and high-resolution photos
	- offers several articles accompanied by extensive glossaries to  
           help newer readers
	- will soon have a few articles on-line, read in various Yiddish dialects.

TO SUBSCRIBE: The cost of a subscription is only $36 ($18 for students, $50 for institutions). A
single issue of the magazine is $15.
To subscribe, send credit card details or a check made out to:
League for Yiddish, Inc.
64 Fulton St., Suite 1101
New York, NY 10038
Please send us your name, address and telephone number, and be sure to include your email address.
You may also subscribe online with a credit card or paypal.com at our website:

For questions, please contact us at
info at leagueforyiddish.org or call us at 212-889-0380.

Subscribing automatically makes you a member of the League for Yiddish and entitles you to receive
VZMAY ("How do you say it in Yiddish?"), an electronic Yiddish Q & A" which seeks to promote the
use of Yiddish words and expressions not easily found - or not found at all - in existing Yiddish


Vos me zogt vegn dem numer:
What people have said about this issue: 

Kh'hob bakumen dem nayem numer AFN SHVEL. Es iz vunderlekh. Der numer iz aroys zeyer a
konseptsueler. Me vet im zukhn un leyenen nokh a sakh yorn, vayl er antplekt a shtikl umbavuste
		Boris Kotlerman, Khayfer universitet, Yisroel

S'iz a nayer, vikhtiker uftu oykh afn gebit fun historisher publitsistik un memuarn gevidmet der
biterer tkufe vos eynike fun undz (ikh oykh) hobn durkhgelebt.
		Yosl Fayershteyn, Bukaresht

Der nayer numer zet oys, vi geveyntlekh, prekhtik. Di artiklen zaynen interesante un fareybikn a
vikhtik kapitl fun udzer geshikte.
		Bobi (Sore) Zilberman, Melburn, Oystralye

Mir leyenen un vi tomid hobn groys hanoe funem AFN SHVEL vos Leyvik Hoyz bakumt reguler. A
spetsyele oyfmerkzamkayt hot bay mir tsugetsoygn Leybl Melameds artikl Mayne Zikhroynes.
		Daniel Galay, Leyvik-Hoyz, Yisroel

Yasher-koyekh on another gorgeous and interesting and totally professional AFN SHVEL.
		Cantor Janet Leuchter, New York

League for Yiddish/Afn Shvel
45 East 33rd St. Suite 203
New York, NY 10016
212 889-0380
919 286-1641


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