[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements -- Arbeter-ring Tel Aviv Onhayb Sezon

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue Oct 7 11:06:01 EDT 2008

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature

Personal Notices and Announcements

 Oct. 7, 2008


 To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

 1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.

2. Send material as plain text:  no HTML, other coding, or attachments.

3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has 
posted the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 12:51:49 +0200
From: Brith Haavoda <brtavoda at netvision.net.il>
Subject:Arbeter-ring Tel Aviv Onhayb Sezon

Khosheve Khaveyrim,

Mir hobn geefnt unzer kultur sezon 2008-2009 un mir trefn zikh
vider oyf undzere frimorgns fun kultur krayz. Undzer klub mit zayn raykher
yidisher bibliotek iz ofn yedn tog far ale libhobers fun der Yidisher
shprakh un kultur. Baygelaygt der program fun di planirte

15 Oct., 11:30, Dr. Leah Ayalon: "M.I. Berditshevski - zayne shafungen in
In artistishn teyl: di zingerin Aliza Blecherovitz - solo

29 Oct., 11:30, Prof. Avraham Novershtern: "Di tsvei leybn fun der
Yidisher Poezie: Mani Leib un Moishe
Leib Halperin", In artistishn teyl: di zingerin  > Esti Svidenski

12 Nov., 11:30, Bay uns tsu gast: der Yidisher kultur-klub fun Rehovot,
Misha Lev un andere.
In artistishn teyl: der Klepfish khor baym Arbeter-Ring

26 Nov.,11:30, Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim, Pesia Portnoy: "Di dikhterin
Rokhel Korn", In artistishn tayl: der zinger Arye Fridman, baym klavir:
Regina Driker

10 Detz., 11:30,  Itzhak Luden:  Proyektsye fun dem film "Mir kumen on"
vegn der Medem Sanitorie

24 Detz., 11:30, "Khanuke frimorgn", Dr. Mordechai Yushkovski, In
artistishn teyl: di zingerin Marina Yakobovitz

Der nayer "Lebns-fragn" fun Yuli-Oygust 2008, numer 669-670 iz aroys.

Mir vintshn aleh undzere leyener, fraynd un khaverim a gezunt un fraylekh
yor fun gezunt, sholem un derfolg.


Dear friends,

We have begun our 2008-2009 cultural season. Our
institution with its rich Yiddish library is open daily for all lovers of
the Yiddish culture and language. Our planned program of a lecture in
Yiddish followed by a musical interlude is as follows:

15 Oct., 11:30 A. M., "M.I. Berdischewsky - his work in Yiddish", Dr. Leah
Ayalon. Artistic program: the singer Aliza Blecherovitz - solo

29 Oct., 11:30 A. M., "The two "leibn" of Yiddish poetry: Mani Leib and
Moishe Leib Halperin",
Prof. Avraham Novershtern, Artistic program: the singer Esti Svidenski

12 Nov., 11:30 A. M., Visit to Kalisher of the Yiddish Culture Club of
Rehovot, Misha Lev and others. Artistic program: Klepfish Chorus of the

26 Nov.,11:30 A. M., "The Poetess Rukhel Korn", Rivka Basman Ben-Chaim,
Pesia Portnoy. Artistic program: the singer Aryeh Fridman accompanied by
the pianist Regina Driker

10 Dec., 11:30 A.M., Film on "Medem Sanitorium", Itzhak Luden

24 Dec., 11:30 A.M., "Chanukah merriment", Dr. Mordechai Yushkovski,
Artistic program: the singer Marina Yakobovitz

The July-August 2008 issue of our bi-monthly "Lebns-fragn", number 669-670
has been published. It can also be read online at: www.lebnsfragn.com

With best wishes to all our friends for a healthy happy New Year,

Bella Bryks-Klein
Arbeter-ring in Yisroel - Brith Haavoda
48 Kalisher Street
Tel Aviv Israel

Tel/fax: 972-3-517-6764
E-mail: brtavoda at netvision.net.il

Please do not use the reply" key when writing to Mendele. Instead, direct your mail as

Material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e. 
announcements of events, commercial publications, etc., always in plain 
text (no HTML or the like) to:

    victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

 Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, i.e. 
inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature:

     mendele at mailman.yale.edu

IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to appear 
in your posting.  No posting will appear without its author's name.
Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email 
addresses, as responses will be posted for all to read.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that 
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to standard 
English punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of 
transliteration into Latin letters.

All other messages should be sent to the shamosim at this address: 
mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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