[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--NEW ISSUE OF AFN SHVEL - "In Honor of Sholem Aleichem's 150+ Birthday+

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Mar 18 16:45:40 EDT 2011

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

March 18, 2011

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From: info at leagueforyiddish.org
Date: 3/7/2011 8:15 PM
Subject: New issue of Afn Shvel-Sholem Aleykhem's 150th +birthday

Nayer numer Afn Shvel - "Sholem-aleykhem - Tsu zayn 150stn geboyrn-tog"

English follows Yiddish

Anu git a tref: in velkhe dray shprakhn zaynen letstns aroys naye 
iberzetsungen fun Sholem-aleykhems Tevye der Milkhiker? Iz Tevye geven a 
mazokhist? Iz Menakhem-mendl geven a loy-yutslekh un a batlen oder an 
idealist? Mit vos hot der mentsh fun Buens-ayres TAKE gehandlt? Tsi ken 
den zayn a sistem fun der yidisher ortografye vos nemt arayn ale 
dialektishe aroysredn?

Der topl-numer #350-351 fun dem gezelshaftlekh-literarishn zhurnal Afn 
Shvel: "Sholem-aleykhem - Tsu zayn 150stn+ geboyrn-tog", aroysgegebn fun 
der Yidish-lige,  vet in zayne 60 zaytn entfern af a sakh fun di kashes un 
andere oykh. (ZET DEM FULN TOYKHN DO UNTN). Der numer nemt oykh arayn 
tsendliker vunderlekhe historishe fotografyes.

Ir kent khapn a kuk af der hile, dem toykhn-bletl un etlekhe artiklen fun 
dem numer, vi oykh artiklen fun frierdike numern, af undzer vebzaytl: 
www.leagueforyiddish.org. Git a kvetsh af "Undzer zhurnal Afn Shvel". Der 
unikaler numer kost $18 plus postgelt. (Git tsu nokh $5.00 in Di 
fareynikte shtatn, $6.00 in Kanade un $9.00 mekhuts Tsofn-amerike.) An 
abonement af dem Afn Shvel iz bloyz $42 ($21 far studentn un $60 far 
institutsyes). Dermit vert ir oytomatish a mitglid in der Yidish-Lige un 
ir bakumt oykh hanokhes af undzere Yidish-materyaln. Ayer khaver-gelt vet 
oykh helfn shtitsn eyne fun di getseylte Yidish-organizatsyes bam hayntikn 
tog vos firt oys ir arbet kimat in gantsn af Yidish!

Tsu bashteln dem numer oder tsu vern a mitglid, zayt azoy gut un shikt 
arayn ayer tshek oder kredit-kartl-informatsye tsu: League for Yiddish, 64 
Fulton St., Suite 1101, New York, NY 10038. Oyb ir vilt batsoln 
elektronish farn abonement, geyt af undzer vebzaytl 
www.leagueforyiddish.org. Git a kvetsh af links af "Mitglidershaft - Vert 
a mitglid/abonirt zikh". Oyb ir hot kashes klingt on tsu (212) 889-0380 
oder shraybt undz af info at leagueforyiddish.org.

TOYKHN Fun dem redaktor: A mayse mit a bikhl

- UNDZER SHOLEM-ALEYKHEM - Vos me lernt (zikh) az me leyent Sholem- 
aleykhemen bam hayntikn tog - Yekhiel-Abo Sandler; Fun Kasrilevke - M. 
Brukhes; Menakhem-Mendl der flier - Aleksander Shpiglblat - "In 
kinematograf ligt a groyse tsukunft" oder Sholem-aleykhems letste libe - 
Ber      (Boris) Kotlerman - Tevye di yidene: mazokhizm in "Shprintse" - 
Sashe Hofman - Sholem-aleykhem: a mishpokhe un a fundatsye - Sheve Tsuker 
- FUN UNDZERE BIKHER-POLITSES - Dray naye iberzetsungen fun Teyve der 
milkhiker - Sheve Tsuker Hebraishe iberzetsung - an intervyu mit Dan 
Miron; Englishe iberzetsung - an intervyu mit Aliza Shevrin; Denishe 
iberzetsung - an intervyu mit Yan Shvarts - VEGN SHPRAKH - Shloyme 
Birnboyms "ortodoksisher oysleyg" - Kalmen Vayzer - UNDZERE INYONIM - Naye 
mitglider fun undzer redkolegye: Yitskhok Niborski un           Rifke 
Basman Ben-khayim - POEZYE - Lider fun Rifke Basman Ben-khayim, Simkhe 
Simkhovitsh un Aleksander      Shpiglblat - ONGEKUMEN IN REDAKTSYE - 
Poezye fun Aleksander Shpiglblat un Mikhoel           Felsenbaum; 
Visnshaftlekhe verk vegn der tshernevitser konferents vi oykh vegn yidishe 
nemen - RETSENZYE - Fayerdike pyonirn: di geshikhte fun Yidish-veltlekher 
dertsiung in           Tsofn-amerike 1910-1960 fun Freydl 
Pomerants-Fraydenraykh - Khave Lapin

NEW ISSUE OF AFN SHVEL - "In Honor of Sholem Aleichem's 150+ Birthday" Can 
you guess - which three languages now boast a new translation of Sholem 
Aleichem's Teyve the Dairyman? Was Tevye a masochist? Was Menakhem-Mendl a 
scoundrel or an idealist? How DID the man from Buenos-Aires make his 
living? Could there possibly be a system of Yiddish orthography that would 
account for all dialectical pronunciations?

Double issue #350-351 of the Yiddish cultural/literary magazine Afn Shvel: 
"In Honor of Sholem Aleichem's 150+ Birthday," published by the League for 
Yiddish, will, in its 60 pages, answer many of these questions, and more. 
(See below for a full Table of Contents). Included are dozens of wonderful 
historical photos. Several articles are accompanied by glossaries. You can 
see the cover, table of contents  and several articles from this issue, as 
well as articles from previous issues, at our website: 
www.leagueforyiddish.org, click on "Magazine Afn Shvel".

A subscription to Afn Shvel is ONLY $42 ($21 for students and $60 for 
institutions) and includes membership in the League for Yiddish which 
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

entitles you to discounts on some of our Yiddish-related materials. Your 
contribution will also help support one of the few Yiddish cultural 
organizations that carries out its work almost entirely in Yiddish! To 
subscribe please send your check made out to "League for Yiddish" or your 
credit card information to League for Yiddish, 64 Fulton St., Suite 1101, 
New York, NY 10038. For online payment you may also go to the website of 
the League for Yiddish at www.leagueforyiddish.org and click on 
"Membership Join/Subscribe." Questions: 212 889-0380 or 
info at leagueforyiddish.org.


- FROM THE EDITOR: A story about a book - OUR SHOLEM ALEICHEM: What You 
Learn when You Read Sholem Aleichem Today - Jeffrey Shandler;  From 
Kasrilevke -  M. Brukhes; Menakhem-Mendl the Flyer - Alexander 
Spiegelblatt - There Is a great Future in the Cinematograph" or Sholem 
Aleichem's Last Love - Ber (Boris) Kotlerman - Tevye the Woman: Masochism 
in "Shprintse" - Alexandra Hoffman - Sholem Aleichem: A Family and A 
Foundation - Sheva Zucker - ABOUT BOOKS - Three New Translations of Tevye 
the Dairyman - Sheva Zucker: Hebrew Translation - an interview with Dan 
Miron; English Translation - an interview with Aliza Shevrin; Danish 
Translation - an interview with Jan Schwarz - ON LANGUAGE - Shloyme 
Birnbaum's "Orthodox" Orthography System - Kalman Weiser - REVIEW: 
Passionate Pioneers: The Story of Yiddish Secular Education in North 
America, 1910-1960 by Fradle Pomerantz Freidenriech - Chava (Evelyn) Lapin 
- New Members on Our Editorial Board: Yitskhok Niborski and Rivka Basman 
Ben-          Hayim - POETRY: Rivka Basman Ben-Hayim and Simkhe 
Simchovitch - BOOKS RECEIVED - Poetry by Alexander Spiegelblatt and 
Mikhoel                Felsenbaum; scholarly works on the Czernowitz 
Conference and on Yiddish Names

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In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that 
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