[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements: Summer Yiddish Program in Brussels

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue Feb 25 07:49:47 EST 2014


Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements

Feb. 25, 2014

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.

2. Send material as plain text to victor.bers at yale.edu as plain text (no
HTML, other coding,or

attachments and write MENDELE PERSONALS in the subject line.

3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has posted
the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.

* Yiddish on the Continent July 14th - July 25th 2014 *


The summer programme will offer students intensive language courses
catering to the elementary and intermediate/advanced levels. Language
classes will be predominantly conducted in Yiddish. The morning classes
will be complemented with a broad range of language enrichment activities
including :

   - Singing workshop with Shura Lipovsky
   - Recitation workshop with Rafaël Goldwaser
   - Lectures on specialised subjects
   - Yiddish film
   - Visit to Jewish sites (museum, synagogues, monuments).

Our teaching staff includes professors from Belgium, France and England :

   - Helen BEER    University College, London, University of London
   - Yitskhok NIBORSK,Y    INALCO - Paris
   - Sonia DRATWA-PINKUSOWITZ,  Institut d'Etudes du Judaïsme - ULB
   - Annick PRIME-MARGULES, Maison de la Culture Yiddish  , Bibliothèque
   Médem, Paris

The cost for the two-week program is 450 euros (or 320 euros for full time
university students). As places are limited, only applications with full
payment will ensure participation in the programme.

Applications must be received no later than June 15th 2014 and sent to the
following address :

Institut d'Etudes du Judaïsme
Séminaire Yiddish
17 Av. F. Roosevelt
B- 1050 Bruxelles

*iej at ulb.ac.be <iej at ulb.ac.be> *
Payments should be made to the following banc account :
Bank ING : BE29 3101 5185 1364

For further information, please contact:
Institut d'Etudes du Judaïsme - ULB
Séminaire Yiddish
17 Av. F. Roosevelt, B- 1050 Bruxelles
Tel: 00 32 2 650 33 48 - Fax: 00 32 2 650 33 47
*iej at ulb.ac.be <iej at ulb.ac.be> *internet:
<http://www.ulb.ac.be/facs/philo/judaisme> *
Name :
Address :
Country :
Phone & Fax :
E-mail :
    Please include a brief description of your previous exposure to Yiddish
on a separate page :

 <evita.wiecki at lrz.uni-muenchen.de>


Please do not use the "reply" key when writing to Mendele. Instead,
direct your mail as follows:

Responses to Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements should be sent
directly to the person whom or organization which posted the item.

Material for posting in Mendele Personal Notices  and
announcements,typically announcements of events, commercial publications,
and questions not of general interest to the membership,should be sent to:

    victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT! in the subject line write "Mendele

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language
i.e,inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature and
likely to interest the membership in general, should be sent to

      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

 IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to appear
in your posting.  No posting will appear without its author's name.
Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email addresses,
as responses will be posted for all to read.  They must also include the
author's name as you would like it to appear.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to standard
English punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of transliteration
into Latin letters. A guide to Romanization can be
found at this site:


All other messages should be sent to the shamosim at this address:

mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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