Dear All - <br><br>Please join us for:<br><br>17th Annual Light the Lodge <span class="nfakPe">Powwow</span><br>Saturday April 5th, 2008<br>Gampel Pavilion<br>University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus<br>Grand Entry at Noon<br>
<br>Host Drum Mystic River<br><br>w/ Rez Dogs<br>& Kicking Wapiti Northern Singers<br><br>Free and Open to the Public!<br><br>Native American dancing, singing, and food. Vendors will be on site offering crafts and other items.<br>
<br>All are welcome! Please join the Native American Cultural Society as we celebrate with our 17th powwow!<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Theo. Van Alst<br>Coordinator<br>Native American Cultural Society Office<br>University of Connecticut<br>