[NHCOLL-L:78] unsubscribe

Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Wed Apr 7 10:37:28 EDT 1999


Remember when unsubscribing to the Natural History Collections List, send
your messages to listproc at lists.yale.edu and NOT to
nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu.  Messages sent to nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu are
broadcast to all members of the list.  Here is what to do if you wish to

  Address message to: listproc at lists.yale.edu
             Subject: leave blank
Text of your message: unsubscribe nhcoll-l 

Avoid using signatures with your mail.  Some words are processed as
commands such as "New" in New Haven.  If you misplace the commands, they
can be accessed via the SPNHC web page at www.spnhc.org or directly at
www.peabody.yale.edu/other/nhcoll.  If you have further problems contact me
at tim.white at yale.edu.  Good luck!


********************************************************************	*******
*										      *
* Tim White, Senior Collection Manager   (203) 432-3767 (Voice)	      *
* Invertebrate Paleontology              (203) 432-9816 (Fax)		      *
* Peabody Museum of Natural History      tim.white at yale.edu		      *
* Yale University                        http://www.peabody.yale.edu	      *
* 170 Whitney Ave., PO Box 208118						      *
* New Haven, CT 06520-8118							      *
* U.S.A.									      *
*										      *
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