[NHCOLL-L:82] Public Data Access

Barbara R. Stein bstein at socrates.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 13 11:24:59 EDT 1999

The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is pleased to announce public access to its
specimen data at:


We would greatly appreciate feedback on this site as we work to develop a
similar interface over the next six months that will run live against MVZ's
new relational database, SYBIL.  

We are doing our best to maximize the speed of query responses so please
bear with us.  My apologies for cross-posting.

Barbara Stein

Barbara R. Stein, Ph.D.
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology              phone: 510-642-3567
University of California                  fax:   510-643-8238
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building        bstein at socrates.berkeley.edu          
Berkeley, CA  94720  USA               

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