[NHCOLL-L:102] Re:Copyright issues

Peter Rauch anamaria at grinnell.berkeley.edu
Thu Apr 15 18:10:02 EDT 1999

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Jessica Johnson wrote:
that someone responded:

>         Second, this proposal attempts to "copyright" uncopyrightable items.  
>         Copyright doesn't protect:

Apparently not so, according to the museum's own description. It is
seeking the copyright to photographs taken by those who the museum gives
specimen/label/data access to. It is those photos which are the subject
of copyright, and nothing in the list of exceptions you identified
matches the category of "photographer's original work".

While you might argue that the photographer picked a dull subject (a
specimen label, for example) to photograph, you'd be hard put to argue
that it is not a "creative work" of the photographer.

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