[NHCOLL-L:226] Re: Effects of freezing on seed germination

Arthur H. Harris aharris at mail.utep.edu
Thu Aug 19 16:05:14 EDT 1999

Try the National Seed Storage Laboratory 
<http://www.ars-grin.gov/ars/NoPlains/FtCollins/nsslmain.html>.  If
you can find the right people there, they should be able to answer
most questions.

jennifer e hain wrote:

> I am a graduate student at the University of Texas as Austin an am
> interested in investigating preservation issues concerning herbaria.  I was
> wondering if anybody is aware of any studies done on the effects of
> freezing (frequently done for pest management) on the germination rates of
> seeds removed from specimen sheets?


Art Harris
Laboratory for Environmental Biology
Centennial Museum (Natural and Cultural History)
phone (915)747-6985; fax (915)747-5808; aharris at utep.edu
http://www.utep.edu/leb     http://www.utep.edu/museum

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